Plan Your Visit - Accommodation
Stay in style when you visit Newbury
The best place to start when planning your visit to Newbury? Finding the perfect place to stay of course! From convenient town centre hotels to palatial country residences, there are plenty of options for you to stay in style when you visit the beautiful market town of Newbury. We’ve curated a collection of the most popular accommodation options for you to choose from.
Please note some of these hotels may be closed for now or have limited availability due to COVID restrictions; please check before booking.
Please note some of these hotels may be closed for now or have limited availability due to COVID restrictions; please check before booking.
If you’d prefer to be slightly out of town but still within 5 miles of Newbury’s bustling town centre, there are some great options in nearby villages. There’s even a hotel at Newbury’s famous racecourse, perfect as a base for turning a race day into a weekend away exploring everything Newbury has to offer.
If hotels aren’t your thing and you want the convenience of self-catered accommodation, or you don’t mind basing yourself a little further from town and travelling in to enjoy everything Newbury has to offer, take a gander at the other options available.
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