
Pottery Painting

The Ugly Duckling
RG14 5LL
01635 523778

Create your very own pottery masterpiece in Newbury’s The Ugly Duckling, a unique pottery painting coffee house in the centre of town.

This relaxed, family-friendly studio is the perfect place to explore your creative side. During the day, you’ll find parents and children sat side-by-side, enjoying a shared activity with homemade cake and big smiles. During adult pottery evenings, you’ll find groups of friends sipping wine and eating nibbles whilst asking for advice on which colour would work perfectly on the bowl they’re painting for their doggo. And on good weather days, you’ll find people sat outdoors in the sunshine adorning their chosen pottery pieces with gorgeous colours.

The perfect activity for rainy days, sunny days, winter evenings, weekends, and summer holidays… in fact, the perfect activity for any day!

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