Welcome to your weekly update from the Newbury BID team, including the latest news from the business community, Newbury Town Council, West Berkshire Council, Thames Valley Police, and the Government. Look out for actions highlighted below!

CEO Update from Melissa
Footfall Update
Please see the footfall stats for last week and the YTD trend below. As expected, footfall was down 7% on the previous week as schools reopened after Easter, but it was still one of the busiest weeks seen since before the pandemic began. The busiest day of the week was last Saturday with footfall of 22,826, slightly exceeding the previous Saturday. Footfall as a whole sat at 70% of the same week two years ago, so we remain at between 70-75% of normal levels since reopening. This current week is slightly lower though (mostly thanks to the unseasonably cold and miserable weather!).

General Update
This week we’ve been starting to plan our summer marketing campaign to help encourage visitors to choose Newbury as their shopping and leisure destination this summer. We’re aiming to launch this integrated campaign in early June and will share more information with you as soon as it’s finalised!
I had an introductory meeting with West Berkshire Council’s new Economy Manager, Katharine Makant, yesterday. Katharine has replaced Gabrielle Mancini and will become WBC’s representative on the BID Board of Directors. We’ll be planning a “Meet the Board” meeting for late June/early July once we can all get together in person, so there will be an opportunity in the not-too-distant future for you all to meet all of the BID Board Members.
I am on annual leave next week and will be back at work on Monday 10th May.
I had an introductory meeting with West Berkshire Council’s new Economy Manager, Katharine Makant, yesterday. Katharine has replaced Gabrielle Mancini and will become WBC’s representative on the BID Board of Directors. We’ll be planning a “Meet the Board” meeting for late June/early July once we can all get together in person, so there will be an opportunity in the not-too-distant future for you all to meet all of the BID Board Members.
I am on annual leave next week and will be back at work on Monday 10th May.
ACTION REQUIRED: Independent Retail & Hospitality Businesses Pandemic Survival Research
Bill Grimsey is turning his attention to independent businesses and embarking on new research to find out how they survived the pandemic and what more can be done to support them.
He is interested in hearing about the experiences of getting goods and services to customers, marketing activities, collaboration, and whether independent businesses received sufficient support. You can find out how to take part in this important research here.
Please send your comments back to Bill Grimsey on highstreetreview@gmail.com by 17th May.
He is interested in hearing about the experiences of getting goods and services to customers, marketing activities, collaboration, and whether independent businesses received sufficient support. You can find out how to take part in this important research here.
Please send your comments back to Bill Grimsey on highstreetreview@gmail.com by 17th May.

Operations Update from Alison
Alison has been enjoying a well-deserved holiday this week, but will be back at work from Tuesday.

Marketing Update from Kirsty
NEW Press Release: Newbury BID Announce New and Improved Website
This week I produced a press release announcing phase one of our new website. The website is co-branded to suit our two key audiences – our BID levy-paying businesses and Newbury’s visitors – and aims to encourage visitors from further afield to visit our wonderful market town. The website is so far proving to be a huge success, receiving more than 5k views since launching on 12th April. Why not explore the Newbury BID area of the website whilst you’re here to find out everything you need to know about the BID?
NEW Press Release: Visit Newbury Delighted with Crafty Craft Competition Turnout
The deadline for the first-ever online Crafty Craft competition passed on Monday 26th April, and I’m delighted to confirm that we received 70 entries for the traditionally annual event. Multiple schools, community organisations, and residents (and one business – well done Barry Forkin-Toomers!) submitted mini rafts to show their support for local NHS heroes, whilst highlighting the significance of Crafty Craft in the local area and beyond. You can read all about this year’s event here. This story was also sent over to the press at the start of the week.
NEW Video: Crafty Craft Official Announcement
Following on from the above, we will be formally announcing the three runners-up and overall winner for Crafty Craft 2021 this coming Monday, on 3rd May, when the Crafty Craft event would normally take place. We have produced a video scheduled to go live on the Visit Newbury Facebook page at 10am. The video is set to bring back feelings of nostalgia for those who have participated in the annual event in the past, whilst encouraging hope for what will be in the future once again! Please like and share the video across your own social platforms to spread awareness within the community and boost engagement for the famous Newbury event!
NEW Webpage: NHS Discount
Following on from last week’s announcement regarding our ‘NHS Heroes Discount’ promotion, we’re delighted to reveal that over 40 of you got in touch with us to confirm your contribution to the campaign. We are SO pleased to share the new webpage with you, outlining the promotions and discounts on offer to those who hold an NHS Staff ID card. Look out for our NEWBURY STANDS WITH OUR NHS HEROES press release, which will be published online and in the press next week. If you would like to submit an NHS discount to us on behalf of your business, it’s not too late! Please email me with the details and I will add you to the list.
If you have not yet sent over your business update for reopening, please email the details to me via kirsty@newburybid.com as soon as possible. Please help to support the campaign and drive visitors back to Newbury by sharing our content and engaging with our @VisitNewbury social platforms and website.
Social Media and Website - April 2021 Statistics (vs. March 2021)
Page views: 566 (+64%)
Post reach: 23,893 (+144%)
Page likes: 30 (+150%)
Post engagement: 5,878 (+213%)
Story reach: 807 (+98%)
Page Followers: 10,374 (+125%)
Impressions: 55,492 (+208.6%)
Profile Visits: 890 (+127%)
Website taps: 248 (+755.1%)
Accounts Reached: 8,512 (+236.3%)
Profile interactions: 814
Post interactions: 2,067 in April
Get Directions taps: 6 (+50%)
Followers: 3,305 (+105 increase)
Profile visits: 530
Tweet Impressions: 17.1K (+74.9%)
Visit Newbury Twitter Mentions: 14
Followers: 5,592
Total following: 19,271 (+161)
Pageviews: 9,110 (+102.4%)
Unique pageviews: 7,750 (+112.1%)
Most visited page: Home Page 2,046 views (+36.0%)
Average time on page: 01:30 (+16.2%)

Rangers Update from Shaun
As well as my usual daily patrols and weekly cardboard collection, I have spent a couple of early mornings this week removing chewing gum from the pavements to help improve the appearance of the town centre. I am working tomorrow and will be doing my “mop up day”, patrolling the whole of the BID area, assisting visitors to the town, and keeping an eye out for any issues that need to be reported to our partner organisations to be resolved.
If you would like a dedicated 1:1 business visit with me, please contact me in advance to arrange by emailing rangers@newburybid.com
If you would like a dedicated 1:1 business visit with me, please contact me in advance to arrange by emailing rangers@newburybid.com
My Ranger's Rota for W/C 3rd May 2021
Tuesday: Cheap Street and Bartholomew Street including Inches Yard
Wednesday: Kennet Centre, north end of Bartholomew Street, Market Place and Wharf Street
Thursday: Retail Park, Northbrook Street including Weavers Walk
Friday: London Road and Oxford Street including Saddlers Court
Tuesday: Cheap Street and Bartholomew Street including Inches Yard
Wednesday: Kennet Centre, north end of Bartholomew Street, Market Place and Wharf Street
Thursday: Retail Park, Northbrook Street including Weavers Walk
Friday: London Road and Oxford Street including Saddlers Court

Business Community Updates & Shout Outs
Updates from Parkway Shopping
More great news from Parkway Shopping, with new restaurant La’De Kitchen set to open in what was the home of Cafe Rouge within the next month. This family owned, innovative, contemporary Mediterranean restaurant will be adding Newbury to their three current locations of Pangbourne, Woodley and Muswell Hill.
Next will begin the fit-out of their new store in the old John Lewis unit in mid-May, and Debenhams will be closing this Sunday after having a very successful clearance sale.
Next will begin the fit-out of their new store in the old John Lewis unit in mid-May, and Debenhams will be closing this Sunday after having a very successful clearance sale.
Pete and the team at 137 Gin and The Newbury, whose Berkshire Dry Gin won the ‘Best Spiced Gin’ award at the @theginguide awards, beating hundreds of entries from around the world to the top spot! What an achievement, please show your support by sharing @137Gin’s or @VisitNewbury’s recent Instagram post.
Barry Forkin-Toomers for their entry to Crafty Craft 2021! The entry fit the NHS Heroes-themed brief while using sustainable materials to build the mini raft – well done!

Newbury Town Council Update
Newbury Town Council acted quickly this week to clean up the path running along the north-side of Victoria Park after vandals smashed the lights which run along the Park Terrace wall. Unfortunately, this area will be without lighting for a few weeks before replacements arrive, so please make your employees aware if they have to walk along this route before sunrise or after dark.

West Berkshire Council Update
Coronavirus Weeknotes
You can view West Berkshire Council’s latest Coronavirus Weeknotes here.
Local Outbreak Engagement Board Meeting
West Berkshire Council’s latest fortnightly public Local Outbreak Engagement Board meeting took place on Monday, 26 April. Topics included a district recovery overview, vaccination programme update, local contact tracing, a Covid-19 situation update, and the council’s Covid-related communications activities. You can watch a replay here.
Mental Health Support
You can find sources of help and support for mental health on West Berkshire Council’s website here.
Can you help West Berkshire Council collect Covid-19 History?
West Berkshire Museum is seeking to collect objects and stories that illustrate what life has been like for people living, visiting or working in West Berkshire in the last twelve months. By collecting objects associated with the pandemic, the Museum hopes to help future generations to better explain and understand this moment in time.
West Berkshire Museum would be interested in many different types of objects, from printed material received from the government, NHS or local community groups, to everyday items that tell a story about the time in lockdown.
If you would like to donate an object that helps tell your story of living in the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, please get in touch with the Museum by emailing collections@westberks.gov.uk or phoning 07787 828189.

Thames Valley Police Update
Electric Scooter Crackdown
It is currently illegal to use electric scooters on public roads and Thames Valley Police will be clamping down on the use of them throughout the town over the coming weeks.
Please could all pubs send answers to the following questions to alison@newburybid.com ASAP. This information will be shared with Thames Valley Police to help them plan their resources over the coming weeks and months.
- How many people are you currently turning away from your pub due to being at full capacity?
- Are you planning to broadcast the Euros football matches?
- Are you intending to extend your licence on Sunday 16th May to allow you to open from midnight on 17th May when indoor service can resume?
New Town Centre PC
PC Emma Eyley has this week joined the town centre team and will be TVP’s representative for the Shopsafe scheme going forward. Emma joins current town centre officers, Katie and Ali, and she’s looking forward to meeting many of you during her town centre patrols.
Thames Valley Police are working on a Top 5 Shoplifters project to crack down on repeat offenders in the town centre. Please email alison@newburybid.com to arrange to speak to her or the police about any persons of concern.
Be Water Aware 26th April - 2nd May 2021
The town centre policing team have been visiting businesses which are alongside the canal this week to raise awareness of the National Fire Chiefs Council’s Be Water Aware safety campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness of the risk of accidental drowning. There is a toolkit and resources available on the NFCC website.

Government Update
Here are links to the latest updates from the Government:
The dedication of carers during the pandemic – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Hancock: transforming the UK into a life sciences superpower – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
COVID-19: Remote meetings High Court judgment – letter to council leaders – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
The Department for Education (DfE)’s Get Help with Technology programme – Case study – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Transforming the UK into a life sciences superpower – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Health and Social Care Secretary’s statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 28 April 2021 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
One dose of COVID-19 vaccine can cut household transmission by up to half – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
The dedication of carers during the pandemic – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Hancock: transforming the UK into a life sciences superpower – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
COVID-19: Remote meetings High Court judgment – letter to council leaders – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
The Department for Education (DfE)’s Get Help with Technology programme – Case study – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Transforming the UK into a life sciences superpower – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Health and Social Care Secretary’s statement on coronavirus (COVID-19): 28 April 2021 – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
One dose of COVID-19 vaccine can cut household transmission by up to half – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Events, Resources & Industry News
Business support during the COVID-19 crisis is available from the following organisations:
- West Berkshire Council – COVID-19 information for businesses – https://info.westberks.gov.uk/coronavirus-business
- Public Protection Partnership – advice and support on COVID guidelines and regulations – https://publicprotectionpartnership.org.uk/covid-19/
- Business Growth Hub – free COVID advice and support for businesses in Berkshire – https://www.berkshirebusinesshub.co.uk/
- Government – summary of COVID support available for businesses – https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus/business-support